Hiya....well have had a very busy couple of days been looking after my sister jayne who had a op on friday..and she wouldnt stay in hospital so..ive been playing florence nightingale...im changing the pressure dressing on her back tomoz..so i hope its not stuck too much bless her...anyway had a wee break today as shes alot better and i have her on pain management calls now lol!!! just topping her up..as it was a rather big incision..anyway what im trying to say is i found the time to have a sit in the sun feet up and a good read.....and for me thats a real treat......but after 35mins was too hot ,,,so i made a card instead....hope you like it and of course its a vintage...and thought the title apat considering i dont get many me days....im still waiting for hubs to do my email as its been playing up something rotton....so i have to be extra nice....signing off,,scuse me wafflings the suns gone to my head....arms face and legs...hahah...hope you had a fabbulous day and gonna play catch up with all your work.....before i go has anyone else had their comments not published when it said they were am loosing a fair few......?????...ttfn hugs xxxxx
Hiya Buddy,sounds like you,ve been very busy i,m sure your sister appreciates you loadz and i hope she recovers very quickly.Keep up the good work (your an Angel).Love the card by the way it,s beautiful and no not noticed any comments not appearing??
Loadza ((Hugs))Florence! LOL Trish (-:
stunning xx
Totally stunning card Sue , so pretty
Hugs Susie xx
Hi darlin I havent noticed any comments going awol etiher, did you get my m ail yesterday I wrote a letter!!!! arghh. This is a beautiful card sue but then agai I wouldnt expect anything less from you!!! loves yer.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Awesome card matey! Hope sis gets better soon. Hugz. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Sassy
Gorgeous, I love the image and its put together with your elegant and fantastic style.
Hi Sue
gorgeous card hun, luv the vintage look to it, hope your sister is well on the mend, sue.x
Hi Sassy Love this card it's really elegant and such a beautiful image. Hope your sister is recovering well she's so lucky to have you.
xx Vee
Beautiful card Florence, I mean Sassy, very charming. You do vintage to perfection. So sweet of ya to look after your sis like that. I HAVE had blogger troubles lately, on my end of things, when I'd try to come by your page my computer would "abort" it and kick me off your blog. That was a few weeks ago, but I have still had a couple of sites that jam up my pc, and some disappearing comments here and there as well.
Oh this is gorgeous Sassy, so elegant. I've not attempted a vintage card for ages - you've just inspired me! x
What can I say except another wonderful card, I love it
Chris xx
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