Saturday, 30 June 2012
Friday, 29 June 2012
Crafty Catz Challenge Metal
Morning everyone Crafty Catz Challenge this week set by The LOVELY Aunty Sue is METAL...anything aded to your card a corner..butterlfy brads as long as it metal have fun with this fab element nice easy one our Sponsor this week is BUNNY ZOES fab prize..join in with us this week we had fabulous entries last week so get out your Embellis look forwards to seing your cards fab 10-00 of goodies to be won
my Submission for my DT was a coloured pink LOTV fairy they are so cute used glitter and papers from papermania added a edge which is a negative off cut from a Tim Hotlz on the edge die a metal corner painted white and two pins although not the best picci as i have not shown my pins to well,,double bow and flowers from Wild orchids and a couple of pearls......Have Great Weekend..carry on crafting sassy hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Pretty in Lilac
Afternoon my cherry bobbins....i hope you are all ok and the weather is kinder to you all..lovely warm fairly sunny warwickshire today so makes a nice change i made this the other day its another concertina book card although im trying to do a better outer front and back cover so this is it for the time being i thinking it would look so much better out of heavier card stock anyways i digress...Saturated Canary image which has been coloured up for a while in the old to put together box in lilacs..she has rather a cheeky grin..have kept embellies low as the cover dosnt close well with too many embellies..i found this one easier than the first and as with everything comes with hope you like her ttfn many thanks for all the lovely comments i am so grateful they come my way and that I THANK YOU !!! for each and every one mwah!!!!!! sassy hugs xxxxxxxxxx
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Cup of Love
Hiya my gorgeousness......well shhh!! but it seems a nice day so we must shout or the weather will change its mind so i might venture out getting a tad bored..i do have to make a dental appointment and pay some pennies so might get that out the way..Many thanks for yesterdays comments on my blue lady...and i shouldn't be so critical but i think we all are our own worst enemies well wasn't in the mood for making a card last night so i made this .can you guess what it is yet lol!!!! its a cake wrapper ..
.although a funny shape so i added a handle and a base vola!!! a got out my flowers and lace and stuck them on the sides added lace also to the handle ermm something missing i had these doves left over from a pack i bought ages ago so stuck them off centre on the handle aw !!! all loved just a little romantic cup of love...added three bows in the nearest colour match to the flowers added them to the back and a couple of pearls.a cut out heart to the front sorry piccis not that brill this is quite tiny so hard to take a picci off anyway you get the jist ..sassy hugs to you all and thanks form the bottom of my heart for all the lovely comments you leave xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Monday, 25 June 2012
Monday Blue
Afternoon luverlies...well a nice day so far just hope it keeps fine not allot of interesting things to show or entice you into my world made a card last night after attacking my lace box and a lovely Vintage lady Image ..but sadly i think its Pants..No !!!..not a card showing pants but rather OTT ..pants.....So be warned if you dont like blue dont look at the screen for too long lol!!!! shes and More blue have a lovely day wherever you are sassy hugs to you all with Big thanks for all my lovely comments you so wonderfully leave me...sassyxxxxx
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Vintage Fancy
Afternoon hunnies are do hope your all ok after this terrible weather effecting so many...has anyone else got a yellow band on top of there blog saying some parts of blogger will not work and to try google chrome??? so if this gets posted i will find out wont card sticking to black and white theme and of course back to my comfort zone vintage this is one of my fav images out of millions i seem to have i just love this pose the hat..everything i just love this image used paperfrom card stock the silver ball and pearl thingy to the side i made from circling and glueing them adding string pearls and a center pearl really fiddly anf gluey hehe but enjoyed making a few added tulle flowers with white painted flowers althoughthere is a hint of pink coming through added again broken satin ribbon i hope you like answer to my own question i have had to install google chrome now its so different me no blog looks different ie the writing is barely visible..why do people change stuff if it ant broken....not a happy bunnie..cept i just got a top three..sorry cant in such a flap....ttfn hugs sassyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Friday, 22 June 2012
Pastels Challenge at Craty Catz
For this weeks Challenge over at http://craftycatzweeklychallenge. its a great challenge and so easy peasy PASTELS pop over and join in the fun there wers fantastic submissions on our last challenge so share your talent this week
i enjoyed the challeng so much i made two cards *My ARK * used my promarkers and decoupaged it slightly and with all the wet stuff i nearlly had to biuld one for real and yep it would have been pink wood LOL!!!!
i made this into a easel card and its rather big 8x8x
this is it closed with a rainbow of buttons
made using image from our sponsors
The Stamping Boutique
i made this into a easel card and its rather big 8x8x
this is it closed with a rainbow of buttons
made using image from our sponsors
The Stamping Boutique
Hers No 2 my bouncing pig...mounted onto a acetate strip so he bounces added a tag to the top aswell
details of our Sponsors
Fabulous StampingBoutique
Have a brilliant day look forward to seeing all your wonderful creations sassy hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
Thursday, 21 June 2012
First Rose of Summer
Hiya everyone...are you all watching the not cant stand after the day i have had with HR visiting me even though im off on the sick with a Drs note..they came..all not as bad as i thought but all not good either and decisions have to be made....i may well let time away from work be my decision and they can shoove the BRADFORD FACTOR where the sun dont shine...right now got that of my chest had to pop out after2 hours of talks.....So i bought the new monthly Quick Cards.issue 102 .as a i fancied the free paper pack on the front lol!!! had my usual read and found something that made me wanna read more so this is what it ended up...
i do like challenges and this i sorrrta needed to be something that would take my mind off whats been happening with work issues it made me feel so got myself a cuppa read the instructions and as there was alot of measuring i dont measure when i dont need to but this DID need measuring....its a book card so in my ususal vintage way this is what most of the afternoon has kept me from crying my sodding eyes out...i used old 12x12 card stock from K&CO had it ages and ages which was double sided used three sheets to make this..the concertina was the hardest trying to get the top ..sides and the bottom pieces to slot together..but did it eventually..used a gogeous vintage image and sorry i can think where i got it whoever it was thank you so much i used lace and pleated the corners as it didnt bend and im not good a mytering....made a pocket and tag the poem is my own poem that i wrote many years ago...and my proudest achievemnet that it was published in a book *the anthology of Midland Poets* was the title and the name is of the poem is First Rose...( was hanging out the washing and had to pass a rather big bush which to my surprise had one lovely dewy silky pink rose on it had never flowered before the poem was born)so roses had to be my theme.. to finish off i popped a matching old earing on the front with a cameo and bow....hope you like it i rather think its different and would look just as cute on more modern papers ans without all the embellies i the mag it said 2hrs to make ..well took me a bit longer lol!!! ttfn love and hugs sasssyxxxxxxxxxxxx
i do like challenges and this i sorrrta needed to be something that would take my mind off whats been happening with work issues it made me feel so got myself a cuppa read the instructions and as there was alot of measuring i dont measure when i dont need to but this DID need measuring....its a book card so in my ususal vintage way this is what most of the afternoon has kept me from crying my sodding eyes out...i used old 12x12 card stock from K&CO had it ages and ages which was double sided used three sheets to make this..the concertina was the hardest trying to get the top ..sides and the bottom pieces to slot together..but did it eventually..used a gogeous vintage image and sorry i can think where i got it whoever it was thank you so much i used lace and pleated the corners as it didnt bend and im not good a mytering....made a pocket and tag the poem is my own poem that i wrote many years ago...and my proudest achievemnet that it was published in a book *the anthology of Midland Poets* was the title and the name is of the poem is First Rose...( was hanging out the washing and had to pass a rather big bush which to my surprise had one lovely dewy silky pink rose on it had never flowered before the poem was born)so roses had to be my theme.. to finish off i popped a matching old earing on the front with a cameo and bow....hope you like it i rather think its different and would look just as cute on more modern papers ans without all the embellies i the mag it said 2hrs to make ..well took me a bit longer lol!!! ttfn love and hugs sasssyxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
A Bit Of Bling
Good morning my cherry bobbins...just for a change from my luverlies well a lovely bright sunny morning been up again at silly o'clock did have a bit of a sleep so sat and finished this card made especially for the shabby tea rooms and such a super picci for guidelines..
comps in entering
. bling
comps in entering
. bling flowers
i do like black and white ...anyways i had a rather old ring i never wore so took the back of it and surrounded it with white flowers from guess????? yep wild orchids added black ribbon and white narrow lace both bought off ebay ages ago..had a old broken necklace Diamonte Darling's...found it whilst looking for something else so onto the top it went i broke of indvidual ones and glued a few round my nestie heart....added a buckle and another broken old jellwery item i have no idea what it was off..bit too big for a earring ..then addded my black sparkly butterfly i bought a few of these as i had a commision for wedding toppers and have a few left finished off added bits from stash for his tail thing.....what on earth do you call a butterflies bum??? a bum i suppose lol!!! ihope you like it...theres nothing exciting in my sasy world today ..except i squashed the side of my thumb ouch!! caught it in the bolt ontop of kitchen door and its blleding like a good un..well the days young so who knows what mischeif i might get into....unless i just stop in
love and hugs to you all for the lovely comments they are soooooooo appreciated ..sassyxxxxxxxxxxxx
Monday, 18 June 2012
Whitish christmas
Hiya my lovelies...well the sun has got his hat on..hip hip hip hooray!!! popped the washing on the line the other day forgot rained.and now its dreid trouble is i found big crows nesting in my bra...and a great shadow casted right over the bungalow realised it was my pants hahaha....just a pants and bra arnt that big lol!!! right on to my Christmas card there Ive said im in all-wight mood although this is more pale ivory i continued with a card for my sister she loves me to give her a handmade one and was really disappointed last year when i bought one from the £1-00p shop 2 for 50p ...
so this is hers need to do a box my inspiration came again from my lovely lad Inger hardman whos gallery is so very beautiful and has me mesmerised every time i visit i saw she made a card with this cute girl and i just knew i had her somewhere....on my computer amongst the 5000 or so i have saved....but could i find her no ..have been searching for hours and their she credit goes to Inger really i just did my twist...added white Christmas berries and crystals especially on her headband added my own sentiment pearl pins..lace..cheesecloth and some silvery foam stars in my Christmas bag of bits the added a pearl to them i have used feathers to and a charm i painted white with a rose from wild orchids..a ripped Christmas song sheet..a couple of i hope you like her but isn't she the cutest..that angelic face...ive never used her before but i do have loads and perhaps it was meant to be her turn and leave you all of to try and do some tyding up and get Henry out ..that will frighten the cat...not so sure if its not me shouting at the hoover trying to get it round the rooms or the noise...its probably me that makes the most noise lol!!! happy Monday..ttfn loved reading yesterdays comments too really perked me up...mwah!!! sassy hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpopping her into whi asking girls girls girl well shes a girl and a pretty one too ..
so this is hers need to do a box my inspiration came again from my lovely lad Inger hardman whos gallery is so very beautiful and has me mesmerised every time i visit i saw she made a card with this cute girl and i just knew i had her somewhere....on my computer amongst the 5000 or so i have saved....but could i find her no ..have been searching for hours and their she credit goes to Inger really i just did my twist...added white Christmas berries and crystals especially on her headband added my own sentiment pearl pins..lace..cheesecloth and some silvery foam stars in my Christmas bag of bits the added a pearl to them i have used feathers to and a charm i painted white with a rose from wild orchids..a ripped Christmas song sheet..a couple of i hope you like her but isn't she the cutest..that angelic face...ive never used her before but i do have loads and perhaps it was meant to be her turn and leave you all of to try and do some tyding up and get Henry out ..that will frighten the cat...not so sure if its not me shouting at the hoover trying to get it round the rooms or the noise...its probably me that makes the most noise lol!!! happy Monday..ttfn loved reading yesterdays comments too really perked me up...mwah!!! sassy hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpopping her into whi asking girls girls girl well shes a girl and a pretty one too ..
Sunday, 17 June 2012
All Wight
Good morning my loverlies hope you are all well ...didnt have a good night last night so been up since 4-00..then was wide awake so guess what i did...yeah made a card..would have loved to have got the hoover out as hub's was snoring..very loudly...contemplating popping to Hobbicraft.but still contemplating as the last time i went well it was a right old morning..on to my card... a card inspired from a lovely blog inger's for those that haven't seen her gorgeous work and like me it there and love the shabby chic..vintage well shes right up my street..(wish that was for real id be round her house pinching her crafty stuff..she uses gorgeous embellishments now you know me and embellishments...SO.i painted some roses white and some still have a hint of pink..and as i found this image curtesy of The graphic Fairy (her link is in my side bar..) who does lots of freebies i found this picci of this bunch of lovely id have loved to have been a ballerina...but being too tall..too fat and feet like a shire horse..and the elegance of a elephant with piles .. not a good career my card depicts lovely elegant ballerinas..went with the white theme and used corners from wild orchids and flowers painted white..had so much fun i wanted to paint everything!!!....cheescloth and pearls also did a mini picci to fit in a tiny Melisa Francis frame in one corner ..used a couple of pins and a old piece of jellwery and all done i hope you like it..thanks again for all the lovely comments left........ signing off with sassy hugs toyou all xxxxxxxxxx pearls and roses
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Pretty in PINK again

popping my cutie into
Friday, 15 June 2012
My First Dt card

red bazell..cut with nestie and used swiss dots chiffon ribbon...stripey paper from stash ...used stickles for the microphone and hair decoration.....i bent the sentiment so it comes out and thought it looked like a stage lol!!! topped of with a Star shaped pin..coloured old button with promarkers..image coloured with promarkers..a tiny star embellie..computor generated sentiment and a rose.....
Sassy Hugs for everyone XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Shabby Tea
Afternoon gorgeousness.....i hope i find you all fit and well....its ok to come in today i havent been out lol!!!!and have checked my face for rice crispies in case the Postie needed me too sign anything... have just been playing about tyding and ironing omg i just hate it...but i was upposed to have done it the other day and i slapped hands...popping off for a shower in a mo and thought id let you see the ecard i have made for the shabby tea rooms..i do like theire challenges as i love a bit of hope this fits in ok..theire theme was this lovely picture
as a guide so hope ive incorporated pearls are a bit iff scew..there fiddly to pop on...i bought some shabby label/tagss /cards of esty and must admit some arent as good printed but there ok..and im sure i will find a use for them...i have a thing about the eifiel tower too and anything french oola name it i like heres my efforts for today..had aplay with another card wich i cant show you just yet and nope its nothing to do with my new DT at Crafty Catz.... at its another surprise.....but if i tell you i will have to shot you.!!!and with my luck ill aim and shot myself in the!!!.and we dont want that do we sassy hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
opping her into lace pearls flowers

opping her into lace pearls flowers
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Pink and Aqua Teddy

Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Evening lovely peeps...i have decided not to share my adventures of sassys life anymore..i look back sometimes on my posts and think you all must think I'm Barking**and you couldn't make it up as it really does happen and has happened so you can all have a sigh of relief onto my card a children's card now i don't do children well not that often only when its on of the Grandchildren but had a play with my inks again and still cant get it right but its ok..i bought a few new lotv stamps and this cute bear jumped into my shopping cart..naughty bear but he is so adorably cute just had to ink him up the backing papers are from fly away from first addition so seemed apt for the image i also made a cloud template and inked the background ..but my blue looks more like thunder clouds than fluffy summer ones lol!!!!well i hope you like for a rather late shower..what could possibly go wrong there then..been trying to tydy have gotten all dusty. so ttfn.....sassy hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Evening my gorgeousness....i hope you have all had a great day....i on the other hand its been okish,,and i have had better...been for more bloods but my veins ran and another try and a fiddle around ouch!!! they two massive ruddy bruises...managed a slowwwwwwwww..walk to post office to post after blood nursey to send off my cards....and then a slowwwwwwer walk back to the car and someone..had parked so flaming close i needed a tin opener to get back had to use passenger side now this to most would not find it daunting..but hey were talking about sassy....oh dear!!!!...trying to lift leg over handbrake and middle arm console and gears er ..not a pleasant sight..and found it so much like hard work and really painfull i cant even do this when im normal.and well .but with ginormouse fat feet and fat knees..sore boobs rather a fat pain..fed up..headache need a wee eventually i got in my drivers seat..and burst into tears..relief of managing it or just sheer frustration...THEN!!!! the bloody owner of scuse me too closely parked bungalow...(bloomin big bmw bungalow on wheels) came back and drove off...she was only a size oposed to my size something..but she did struggle too get in well her passenger did and as she saw me glaring through the window at her and her partener in crime..if they knew just how it hurt and upset i was struggling id have ripped there throat's out!!! so now in my head im saying "if she so much as scratche's my car),,now i would normally have said something polite.....but sassy was in such a distressed mood..i darn't say anything as... not only would i have been screaming at them i would have had them both by their necks struggling in their jeff banks jumpers.... those men in white coats would have had to drag me off. screaming like a banshea .anyway she/they totally ignored my er faceal expressions of disgust!!!!!!! and drove off...the COW's!!!! amongst a few more not so nice words i used all the way home talking to my self like some demented i got home and changed into my 11-00ish and sulked..cried a bit more so i have been playing and up and down doing bits since..this is the result...a blues and pinks with pretty flutterbies .a bit flowery..not so sure of it but then i never am....thanks for all your continued wonderful comments..i do appreciate it ..honest and if it werent for my blog..and you wonderful bloggers well who knows what would have become of me...sassy hugsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Monday, 11 June 2012
Another Little Book
Good afternooon my gorgeousneses......hope Monday is treating you well so far..and want to say a massive big hello to all my new followers so great you stopped by..i hope you enjoy my world...nothing on the cards (sory about the pun) today for me to go appoints etc so trying to ge these fat feet to go down and its not gonna try and some housework..oh my!!! i have at least got the washing on and fed the cat..thats it so far hehe will do better..the ironing's piling up AGAIN!!! best i tackle that first while i still have a small amount of incline.
.my creation to share today is another little book made out of 12x12 papers...there so addictive although dunno what on earth im going to do with them...but had fun making it which counts as worthy playing around with papers glue and lace i used pink lace from ebay and roses ribbon from dunno.. where i made the silky pink flower on the front from ribbon and added a flower in the center i wanted a pearl button...but nope no pearl buttons so the flower had to do..attached the ribbons as clousure and added lace to the spine just to jazz it up....a fellow blogger took my other book as inspiratation and she made one like this so i repaid the inspiration and made this i have made lots of the little books but this one is bigger and have stamped a few saying inside with flap to hold piccis.....just noticed on picci one flap isnt stuck so need to remedy that...anyways of course its pink and maybe ill send it to my friend to pop little piccis of her mom might add a sentiment ...well love and leave you the ironing wont do its self mores the pity...hope you might like my little book ttfn mamoosive hugs from old sassy to you all..and one size hug fits all...mwah!!! ..................

Sunday, 10 June 2012
2nd Commission Thank you Card
Hiya my gorgeousnesses again sassy in two posts gosh now im not gonna bore you all to tears with my lifes little adventures just sharing my second card fo rthe commission on the two Thank you i have been asked to make fo rmy friend betty she wanted something really different and although she loves my oot vintage..something extra special oh dear!!!!anyway a few cups of coffee later i have come up with this..gosh i do hope shelikes it to go with the other and as there going to the same place i thought id better make them really different...just got to get the insert done and the box is ready lined in pink tissue...and i hope get them of to her in the post.....right ttfn .love to you all that take that precious minute to visit and leave me lovel comments.....mwah!!!!!!!!!!!!!sassyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx parls lace die cuts add lace parls lace die cuts add lace
Commision Thank you

Saturday, 9 June 2012
An Air of Romance
Good afternoon my gorgeousnesses...well the suns out but its a tad on the cold side....tempted to pop th heating on brrrr!!! well been a funny day..managed a drive to the local shop after wedging my fat feet into the biggest stretched pair of shoes..i now fully understand the whines of inconvience from those residents on water tablets OMG..every 10mins to the loo bit too much info but flippin heck cant or darnt go anywhere to far case...but on the up side they are hlping a bit...thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes for my new DT post over at was overwhelmed to be picked..and not a bribe in sight lol!!!!..just hope i can do them justice and will put my heart and soul into really is exciting best news in ages..and it will be a nice change for me to get out my comfort zone and try new watch this space.
.i sat and played last night again rubbish night on the tele...and made a romantic card not for anything i just hope you might like it a bit different for me with no image on..but of course my bows and flowers had to be there also a pin i made...i have been asked to make two thank you cards for a friend i meet on DC site ages ago as bless her her dearly loved mom aged 99 passed away and she wants me to do her two cards to the home..argggg!!! im gonna struggle with this order..havent a clue...not one idea...nothing springs to mind....oh blank...ererererer!!!! .i know she loves my i think the rest of this afternoon is going to be looking through all my images she wants the unusual ott sassy to do them for the 20th June no pressure then !! fingers crossed i can deliver....well must dash thanks again to everyone thst has visited and left t wonderful comments..your bribes are in the post lol!!!!! really does make things so much better to know you like my work..i do try and return your it means as much to me to visit you as you to visit me mwahhh!!!!!sassy hugs...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
.i sat and played last night again rubbish night on the tele...and made a romantic card not for anything i just hope you might like it a bit different for me with no image on..but of course my bows and flowers had to be there also a pin i made...i have been asked to make two thank you cards for a friend i meet on DC site ages ago as bless her her dearly loved mom aged 99 passed away and she wants me to do her two cards to the home..argggg!!! im gonna struggle with this order..havent a clue...not one idea...nothing springs to mind....oh blank...ererererer!!!! .i know she loves my i think the rest of this afternoon is going to be looking through all my images she wants the unusual ott sassy to do them for the 20th June no pressure then !! fingers crossed i can deliver....well must dash thanks again to everyone thst has visited and left t wonderful comments..your bribes are in the post lol!!!!! really does make things so much better to know you like my work..i do try and return your it means as much to me to visit you as you to visit me mwahhh!!!!!sassy hugs...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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