A late evening all....phew talk about struggle been like trying to turn a sows ear into the silk purse....why do i take on these tasks..brain all over the place and high on pills...legal ones lol!!!! bumped into a friend who invited me to gate crash a party tommorow..and not feeling like ginger rodgers on the dance floor or shopie ellis bexter i declind..but offered to make a card for our mutal friends birthday of course got me thinking,,she a right sexy lady and loves her corsets makes them too and is a fabulous seamstrss..loves her flowers and ribbon ..so came up with this effort...lol!!!!! was such a quickie and it took ages in my head i knew what i wanted but when it came to the nity gritty it just didnt happen....so had to leave it at this ...not one of the best cards ive ever made but glad i dont think its the worse.....she be that bladdered by the time she recieves it she wont be that bothered.....hahaha.....love to you all leaving me such lovely comments am so truly touched..... by the fairy's so used a charmed cards download had it a while so as its trendy..i think it will pass coloured in pro markers..ribbon and roses from stash...ttfn xxxx