Hi sweeties just popping to say hiya and miss you all.....haven't been idle although it is with regret i have finished my DT work with my lovely teamies at Crafty catz as my health has had another twist.....and i'm off into hospital on the 15th August for a op on my head....wont bore you with the details but im scared...but im sure i will be ok..my tumour has grown and it needs to come out so you can understand im not in a colouring mood as my left eye is affected so till they sort me out i can then get some new specs but haven't been idle and still trying to make my little hats and pleased there selling well...better than i thought getting a few commissions and have just sent one of those off today...do hope she likes it ???.....any hows just a couple of new ones to show you i hope you like????? doing more of the playful rockabilly hats at the moment too and there are being well received just been to my local craft place and bought some more pretty material and bits and bobs fab little shop full of goodies..right love and leave you all for the time being will pop nto your blogs WHEN my blog roll tells me i have some saved blogs as yet it says im not following any...er cuse me i have loads of fav places.......hugs of the big sassy kind to you all and i so miss my girls at crafty Catz......sooooo much....but i needed to keep my health in tow and not over stretch my eyes..or BRAIN!!!!lol!!!

roaring 20's bit of fun
siver satin