hello......again.....just been out for dinner and popped into the range..oh dear!!!!! all this crafty stuff jumped into my basket..dontknow how it happened..so now its here with me i just couldn't leave without it hehehe.....spending over 50-00p on crafty bits whos been a very clever girl then....i found some love lush papers from blueberry hill and scrummy chipboard thingies from la creme in blacks and creams..and colour box inks..and some gorgeous lace from Llewellyn Bowen.....since when has he been crafting..lol!!!! didnt look at the make just felt compelled to buy it and a new punch emboss from frisk as.....oo the list goes on and on....cant wait to get going and thinking of a black and violet colours scheme...sounds lush!!! well i reckon so....and after all it is a extended birthday...cause spent today wiv hubby..hes normally at work on a Sunday so the housework can wait till tom oz..then i will fly round like a woman possessed with duster and polish and out with the bleach......sounds fun....not!! but got work colleagues arriving on Tuesday..what fun and my home will be invaded again......not a day I'm looking forwards to i must say.....but will be glad when its done and dusted ......made this also today and of course the trusty promarkers were used ....but couldn't uploaded it dunno what went wrong so here it is...hope you approve...thanks for reading my prattlings...and visiting my little place of tranquility....xx
Oh my Sassy this is so beautiful, oooo where shall I start well first love the colours you have used they are my fave's, second that lace is wow must have some of that thirdly love that image and the colours that you have used all blend so well together one perfect card to end a perfect day.
Lorraine x
aah craft shops they are the devil in disguise and tempt us with all their wares! I saw old Bowen's stuff on Rosemary Merry's blog (she demos on QVC a lot), trust him to get in on the act ;o) Loving the card, xx
Yummy card Sis , love the chocolate colours and the girl is a little darling too
Hugs Susie xx
Another lovely card sue. Ya he's just started coming into craft Llewellyn Bowen. Hugs lin xx
Hello Sassy, sorry I've not commented for a couple of days but now I'm back!! Love the cards you've been making. This one I just made for the inside of my purse card...I just didn't post a pickie!!! Great minds think alike huh!!! Love Sugar Nellie stamps, especially Elisabeth Bell! I'm so happy you had a good time with your little granddaughter, the photo is precious! Swings, I love them and still go on my son's now and again!! LOL Keeps you young! Before I close, Happy Belated Birthday!
Hugs from across the pond.
Beautiful card Sassy. Of course I would have put the stuff back on the shelves...NOT... :o)
Jackie xx
Beautiful Sassy. Thre is an award for you on my Blog!
Happy belated birthday, 21 again??, love the new look you in your green jumper!! anyway, I went to the range and they had that spray coming out of the air vents that makes you buy all their crafting products, and the side effects!! One SKINT bank account!! Enjoy your crafting goodies, Hugs Sue xx
Hello Sassy
Oh my a gorgsous Vintage colours card, love it to bits. All those crafty goodies you have bought, can't wait to see your creations.
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