Monday 9 November 2009

Enough!!!!!!!! might be sayiing goodbye to blogland

Calling all tecno having all sorts of probs..arrrg!! but now i cant leave comments on some blogs especially the ones with the comments embeded under post..if its a pop up or word verification i it blogger playing silly sods or me... also has a mesage that syas the website hasnt a proper certificate whats that all about..??????/ been into help and not much help at this rate i might be saying tara to blogland...any help appreciated im at breaking point lol!!! to bed now had enough.....ttf hugs xxxx


Jackie said...

Sorry Sassy, I can't help but please don't leave us, you would be sadly missed!
Jackie xx

June Nelson said...

OOh sis whats playing up then, mine seems fine, wondered why I hadnt had a visit aw hope youget sorted soon darlin, huggies and extra love from me, hoping it works soon loves yer xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Sounds like its your pc's internet security settings, if a site isnt ''certified'' and you have high security settings it gives you that message and can block popups, not sure how to change it and the fellah is at work but i will get back to you


Rita said...

Hope you get it sorted out soon. I'll miss your beautiful vintage cards, please stay. Hugs Rita xxx

Christine said...

Hi Sassy sorry your having probs..but it does sound like your secrurity level is set on high..does a pop up come on when you try???

Hugs Christine xx

Irene said...

Hello Sassy

So sorry to hear about your computer problems, hope you get it sirted out.
Please try not to leave us as I LOVE your cards.
