Thursday 31 May 2012

Envelope card

Hiya my luvverlies....well its allot cooler today and as i hadnt the strength to go out yesterday i really have to pop to the shops ..oh dear i have NO COFFEE!!!!!..i need my!!!.never drink it after 5 in the afternoon though but its my special Dolce cappucino...anyone want one....its delish..ill even chuck a choci bicutes in too...

well the rain came and really gave it a good drenching you could almost hear the grass going awwwwwww!!! thats better and the plants have perked up no end ..perhaps i should have sat in the rain too it might have done me the power of good.....well im wittering as per usual i made this a few days ago..for nothing special just had a play i found the  fabulous blogger i thought did amazing stuff . im her follwer and i thought id give this envelope card ago...again a free hand drawn  shape...used Tim Holtz Papers...the heart slids out with room on the back for message etc..kept it low on hope you might like it..right gotta go...decided i need a cake now!!!! TTFN loves you all and thanks big time for the wonderfull messages of support etc...sassys hugs to you all..


May said...

Love it.... no sugar in my coffee but wont say no to a wee biscuit!! (lol) What a fabulous creation... it's Stunning you clever girl..Love it all colours and design just perfect!! Hugs May x x x

Tonya said...

Oh Sassy, I wish I could come have coffee with you. We could chat the day away.
Another beautiful creaton. It is stunning! I love the gorgeous embellishments.
I hope you have a good day, sweetie!

Inkypinkydelights said...

Oh WOW I love this Sassy! Love this idea altogether! So lovely and girlie with really tasteful colours. Judy x

McCrafty's Cards said...

1 sugar please and I am with May a biscuit would go down nice with it around now lol, this is beautiful Sassy, I like the design the lace and that heart pendent.
Kevin xx

Pamela said...

Pouring with rain here today. I'll pass on the coffee as I only drink decafe tea - think I'll go and make a cup to have with choccie eclair hubby bought me! Love the envelope card - very unusual.

Moni said...

Waw this is awesome. Fab details and papers. Hugs,moni

Donna said...

Even a bit simpler, your cards are just absolutely beautiful - stunning!!

Hugs, Sassy,

Aunty Sue said...

Hi Sassy well looks like I missed the brew as it is nearly 7 but I'm with you with my coffee but dont have a cut off time. As for a chocolate biscuit sounds a winner but do like a good ginger nut with mine or is that a packet with my coffee. Not done one of these cards but they always look just stunning. Got soaked yesterday walking the dog and it didnt do me any good so dont call me a flower more like a weed. Take care and keep the lovely cards coming. Hugs Sue xxx

June Nelson said...

Its sooooooo beautiful me lovely, I commented on this yesterday and it hasnt gone on!!! haow dare it!!!! its stunning me lovely your sooooo creative loves ya xxxxxxxxxxxx

Kirsty said...

Hi Wow this is super gorgeous love the combination of papers and stunning ribbon ! Enjoying reading your posts they do make me chuckle ;0)

Ally said...

wowzer this is so amazing, love it!!! Hope you feel ok, Sweetie! If not, just take the hoover and you will feel all my warmth coming across the miles and hug you LOL!
Biggest of hugs, HRH
PS: Besides, coffe is sooooooooo yuk!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous envelope card Sassy - so elegant and stylish!

My fave coffee is the Dolce latte mmmmmmmm! Only allow myself one a day though.