Thursday 9 February 2012

Lace shabby chic roses

Hello me darlinks..what a funny sort of tried to snow then stopped so come on mother nature do yer ready with me weelies by the door...i havent made a card this week reckon i used up all my mojo ..BUT!!! i did have a vintage lace roses stil need practise though..but fairly pleased with them shabby chic will now have to get my thinking  cap on to do something with them..any sugestions gratefully recieved hope you are all warm and snug..go tmy fleece socks on..and of course me pjs..i ant in the nudey with just me socks lol!!!not too keen on the one with the flower on ..anyway take care sassy hugs all round and a heartfelt thannks for all the wonderful uplifting so not worthy..oh go on then ill graciously accept..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

McCrafty's Cards said...

These are gorgeous Sassy, you need to do a little tutorial for me so I can have ago at them, how about making a vintage parasol to go with that fabulous shoe.
Sleep well.
Kevin xx