Wednesday 29 February 2012

revamped 50th Annirversay

Hiya me lovely blogging bud's well been busy busy..lovely weather still not so much old mr sun but at least it pleasant to work in had a commission last week for a 50th wedding anniversary but i wasn't happy with it really so dismantled and switched it all around..i used double sided sticky on the middle section with the ribbon  and in the day it was very obvious ..stuck out like the big sore thumb LOL!!!9THE BOTTOM PICCI) so totally scraped and started anew.(TOP PICI) im much happier as i fixed the ribbon at the back..also added a 50 in gold very happy lady so that makes me a happy crafter...sassy hugs

1 comment:

Pamela said...

A very elegant card Sassy. 'Mary and Brian' will love it.