This is the very last picture of my beloved mum..taken may 08 6 months before she died she had just arrived at the home from another hospital stay and she said *go on caputure me at my worst time* so a flick of the brush to her hair and that smile was all she needed to portray the beautiful lady she was...and no matter how ill she became those eyes were always sparkly...and she will always be the most beautiful person in my life...sorry again for a personal entry but wanted to share it....somehow felt i needed too.......love sassy
No need to be sorry Sassy - if it helps let it all out on here. It's a beautiful, precious photo and you have inherited your Mum's sparkly eyes too. Lots of love to you xxxxxx
Aww Sassy it,s a beautiful picture,and dont you dare apologise you post whatever you want,If it helps you through the day thats all that matters. Your Mum was a beautiful woman just like you.
Trish (-:
Bringing tears to my eyes Sue, I daren't show my last photo of Mum as she looked so poorly but she was still my lovely Mum.
Don't apologise - we can all see your Mum's lovely smile. You must miss her very much, but we who have, or have had a lovely Mum, are truly blessed. It was many years before I realised that not everyone is so fortunate.
Awww Sassy dont ever apologise for sharing such a wonderful picture with us. joey.xx
Sue, its very hard when you lose your mum, mine passed away 4 years ago and I miss her so much, not a day goes by that I don't think of her. She is a beautuful lady and you will always have your lovely memories in your heart.
Hugs, Barbaraxx
Awww Sassy, thank you for sharing your Mum with us. She looks as if she got up to all sorts of mischief with those sparkly eyes.
This is your blog my friend and you post whatever you want, whenever you want.
Love Viv xxx
Thats Beautiful Sue its more than just a photo its a memory, a feeling and a warmth that you will always have, I envy your closeness to your mum I can tell from your words you loved each other so much.
Hugs Susie xx
Don't apologise Sassy, that photograph is a beautiful memory for you and this is your blog. Those sparkly eyes are beautiful and we can see where you get yours from :o)
Jackie xx
It's a beautiful photo Sassy - Your emotions are bound to be raw just now so don't be anxious about talking XXX
Aw sis thats just how I remembered her. She has the same twinkle in those eyes as you have. its a wonderful pic and I know how muc you miss her, but shes with you always in your heart.loves ya sis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
She looks like a wonderful lady - keep sharing whatever you like and don't apologise
Aw Sassy She look like such a lovely lady. She reminds me of my nannan, espeially when you mentioned her sparkly eyes. You made me remember than my nannan always had a sparkle too. Thanks for that. It's funny isn't it that we are always conscious of how we look for a photo, but when we look back, all we see is the person and how they appear to us on the inside. I'm trying to take more photos with me, my husband and my son, to keep the memories alive. I truly believe that our loved ones are with us, whereever they may be, and your mum is with you to. Love, Clare x
I've been nosey Sue and gone through your blog to get to know my new found friend and i came across this beautiful mum and just had to comment to you. As far as im concerned you can add as many personal entries you want to your blog even today!! (2012) its your blog sweetie, and i love to see your mum, what a cheeky smile she had, she looks more mischevious than you!! xxxx love your new mate Vick xxx
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