Saturday 20 July 2013

Vintage wedding

hiya sweeties.......cor a bit cooler today we have a nice breeze.......been a busy Bunnie again and have made another hat its cream Chantilly lace with spot Russian veiling not much decoration except for a old brooch and a couple of flowers... trimming on the base ant thats it....designed differently and looks rather nice on..better than mymodel
who's called *nancy**..dont ask why but were becoming  besey mate's

hope you like my little efforts I'm embarking on rockabilly hats too but leave those for another post.....have  a super day ......i must go off for tea then make a pink Velvet hat for a commission..really pleased there being wanted lol!!! lots off sassy hugs ..oh new watermark not sure i ordered this with the bird on looks more like a dragon..heee im sure i picked a cutie duck in a hat oh well of to whimsey's to order another one.the one with the flutterbies on is very faint oh well not too worry ..xxxxx


Rita said...

Dearest Sassy, this hat is so fabulous it reminds me of a pillbox hat I wore as part of my going away outfit 55+ years ago. Hugs Rita xxxxx

Aunty Sue said...

oh sassy this is stunning you are clever

Sue said...

WOW!! Another stunning Sassy creation!!! I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!
hugs Sue xx

McCrafty's Cards said...

This is another fabulous Hat from the mad hatter,I love the gems and flowers.
Kevin xx

coops said...

so beautiful sassy.really love the lush vintage style :D

xx coops xx

Lisa xx said...

Oh wow, this is stunning!

Just wanted to say thank for the comment you left for me today.....sending the biggest of hugs xx

mags said...

Gorgeous little hat Sassy.

Moni said...

So lovely. Hugs,moni