Friday 8 June 2012

Something nice news for a change..

 hello everyone....i hope you are all ok and that the British weather isnt making life a misery...and i think like everyone we better start building out very own  Ark's as its forcasted awful weather ove rthe next couple of weeks...but at least its nice and dry in the carfty places eh!!! i have some lovely news wich brigtened my day over at     i have been selected to DT for have sent my oooooo yes pleas email back,,im so  looking forwards to doing something on the dt side of life although ill be shaking in my boots(thats if i can get them on with these fat feet of mine lol!!!!)..when my time comes to submitt something....

i made a card from last nights practise with my inks cant say its brilliant..but really wasnt in the mood but nothing on tele..didnt want to go to sat ad had a play found it very relazing..i finished it this morning but on reflection i wish id done something to the back of the image...clouds or somthing as it looks pants now in the day of light..anyway its ok for the charaty box ...a couple of other thngs i dont like about it but hey ho its stuck now...right im off my luvverlies for some quite hungery today...mmm what do  i fancy....something nice but not cheap!!!!......thanks to you all for popping in and leaving your lovely comments that mean the word and more too me......ttfn have a great evening whatever your up to sassy hugs to you all...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Aunty Sue said...

sassy this is stunning and omg that charity will be rubbing there hands getting these cards. Stunning and so pleased you are joining we are such a friendly bunch and just shout someone will be there to help and guide you.
Hugs Sue xxx

Inkypinkydelights said...

Brilliant news Sassy! I was so chuffed to see your name. Love your card too. Judy x

Viv said...

Real cute Sass - and well done on the Dt!

Doreen said...

This is gorgeous,love the image and such lovely papers. Congrats on your fab

Tonya said...

Hello doll! I running through real quick as my daughter is graduating tonight. :o)
Your card is gorgeous (as always!) I Love the pops of red in it. Congratulations on the DT spot. No worries my dear, you will be fabulous!! Your work is always out of this world!

If you start floating away bring that ark here to the states so we can visit. lol

Diamond Doll said...

Hiya Sue Congrats on your new DT post and Welcome to the Team, it,s great to have you as my teamie.If you need any help just ask, the team are all fab friendly girls so you,ll fit it just right.
Trish (-:

Inger Harding said...

Oh this is so sweet and beautiful Sassy!!!
Love those colours and that cute image! Lovely embellishments!
Have a nice weekend.

♥ Hugs, Inger

June Nelson said...

OOOh congratulations me darlink about time too you were recognised for your wonderful talents your brilliant , love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

May said...

Congrats on your DT Post.. they are lucky to have you!! What a gorgeous card, simply stunning, fabulous design and colours.. Hugs May x x x

Moni said...

Congrats on DT position, so deserve it. The card is gorgeous and love your colouring and fab details. Hugs,Moni

McCrafty's Cards said...

Congratulations Sassy On your new DT spot. you will do them proud, I love your card, you did great with yr inks,
Kevin xx

Kim said...

Hi Sassy - nice to 'meet' you - I'm one of the others joining the DT at CraftyCatz - and so excited!
Kim x

Sonia said...

Congratulations Sassy on your DT Post :)
Your card is beautiful!!! I love all you stamps:)

Inky Angel said...

Congrats on your DT position. Love all your creations, they are so beautiful.

Ally said...

HRH congrats Sassy to her new DT job (well it's actually hard for you to have a job now, acting like normal folks, brrrrrr). I'm sure Marvina will take over the throne and will gladly reign the Camelot country!!
wonderful card, wow you are a clever Sassy at nighttimes!
Hugs, HRH

Jackie said...

What a gorgeous card Sassy, and brilliant news on you DT appointment...hugs
Jackie xx

carol said...

Hello Sassy...CONGRATULATIONS, welcome to the CC team, you will be fine hun, your creations are fab, you just enjoy, and put those blooming feet x carol