Remember Grannies watching you

Hiya...gosh today has been extremely strange in good and bad ways....and girls please don't think me totally bonkers but i have done the blog Gathered Memories all ideas most welcome Ive come to learn that although I'm in my own dark place from time to time and might even piss you off oooops!!!other are suffering too..This after noon i popped into town and meet a friend who i hadn't seen for ages i dunno what i felt at first ...sadness ..shock but three years ago she was diagnosed with M.S. and is now in a wheelchair my heart went out to her but she showed me that all was not lost and know counsels people who are recently diagnosed..i stood amazed as she was no different than id known her yet she seemed better stronger ....than ever she shone with the enthusiasm and the courage i wish i had..she hadn't realised my time of sorrow and wanted to know everything yet all i wanted was her to share with me what had happened to her..she had me in awe of her attitude to life..and that was the push i needed to do my new blog...
Tell me what you think...good or bad.....some ideas perhaps..jump on board if you wanna help ill be glad of the company...i don't want it to be morbid or depressive although i suspect from comments it will have many feelings but a sounding board i hope it becomes.....but with the love and respect for each other
Tell me what you think...good or bad.....some ideas perhaps..jump on board if you wanna help ill be glad of the company...i don't want it to be morbid or depressive although i suspect from comments it will have many feelings but a sounding board i hope it becomes.....but with the love and respect for each other
and from that we all can gain
and most of all friendship
and to all of you im so glad i can call you friends