Hiya me luverlies...ever had those times when you feel like giving up cards....well im having one...gosh im struggling and nothing seems right maybe its the mood im in..lol!!!! SO!!!! decided that as my cards are rubbish i'd do the housework as i don't need glasses to see the dust,,so have stripped and hoovered the bed yeah yer heard me right how many of you hoover the mattress..then i turned it.took me ages..in the end i just dropped it hoping it wouldn't smash the tele on the way down...why have mattresses got a will of their own so got the Dyson working overtime in all the corners .. by which time the Cat legged it like a ligtening bolt through cat flap....she hates the big hoover .fresh linen on bed and in with washing like fifty loads.....got the cobwebs removed arggg!!!! normally leave them for Christmas and spray silver to act as decorations but wrong room..only joking... moved bed out found 2-15p under the bed..3 earrings old pair of tights a broach... my shoe id been searching for .oh and a old sock and one knitting needle..please done ask Lol!!!!..and enough loose feathers to stuff a pillow...the kitchen got hit with gush of antibacterial cleaning fluid and found another 55p under the fridge and a magnet that fell off around circa 2000.....haha!!! craft room got blitzed and no money but a hairbrush and a old ink cartridge (i have a black thumb to prove it lol!!!!)2 half finished projects.. a roll of ribbon enough bits and bobs for a new project but anything else had to be left as me old knees cracked and groaned under the strain...front room found dust!!!! and more dust and a 2-00p coin under the table... im sure i polished in April lol!!!my oh my where does it all come from...then the attack took place in the smallest room in the house....found a old lippy..4 cans of empty deodorant .empty shampoo bottle wrapping of his saop... used toothpaste tube . belonging to hubby why do men not chuck stuff away...bleached everywhere by which time i was high on domestos.....but managed to see the 5p lurking...then put all the recycling out enough to power Battersea and keep a small colony in recycled energy for a year...moped me wood floors did a pile er!!!mountain of ironing .....and then sat down in a heap!!!!!! hubby home from work...and what did he say** been sitting on that bloody thing all day i suppose ** well...i could have just thumped him......MEN!!!!!!anybody want him complete with black eye.....and no i never found me glasses................. and ones thing for sure i do spend alot of time on here.......oops.
ttfn hope you like my card cause i dont!!!
ttfn hope you like my card cause i dont!!!
LOL< LOL< you sound like me when i get my butt in gear , this lot did make me lol.
But at least you have some cash at the end of it , shame no glasses !
But at least now you can craft your heart away .
Stunning card, loving the colours,
roflmao, what a great post!
Made my night it has:)
Anne x
Whats wrong with the card!!! and dont you dare black Andys eyes or you willhave me to answer to, oh and dont do the craft room, may come home rich the next time I come and stay pmsl. The ruddy card is gorgeous so stop your moaning lol eeh its a good job I loves ya it is!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sassy, you wore me out just reading about your cleaning spree. Although there must be something in the air that has reached the good ole US of A, because I just sent 6 garbage bags full of clothes to the thrift shop from my closet. I haven't even scratched the surface of my dresser yet.
I think your card is precious. She does have a somewhat sad look about her, maybe that is what isn't making you happy about it.
Thanks for popping by my blog hun. I try to do a bit of tidying each day but i hate it sooo much. i never find any money when i tidy, lots of rubbish from other half though!!
I love the card hun, your colouring is spot on!!
Take care
Sam x
That real strikes a chord - my kind of housework - all or nothing (Usually nothing).
Dusted in April, I like that.
A truly stunning card, lovely colours and beautifully made
Hugs Susie xx
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