Hiya to all you lovely peeps i as you know havent been at all well for a while and although things are looking up ..thankfully i have decided i have to down size my craft supplies as im thinking of retiring and that will mean i loose my home..so i will never get anywhere as big as the accommodation i have and the craft front has taken a nose dive.temporarily but i need to get rid of my stamps im not really a great stamper and if any i do i have digis and sheets of Tilda's and my Victorian collection etc already to colour or assemble so if any off you are interested in buying some of my collection .. 9 magnolias...3 papermania...elisabeth bell(daisy..new one)and the girl baking..... Sarah kay (christmas post)... pink ribbon girl... large cake(new ones)
....just a few i also have some wooden ones...no idea what to ask for but if anyone could be off help id appreciate it i will have to stay with posting in the UK I'm afraid but just wondered also do you think its OK to do this...and would any off you be interested... some have been used and some are brand new ... if there is interest i will take some piccis but email also
sue@dtow.freeserve.co.uklove to you all xxxx